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Why Consider Using Refurbished Copiers
If you’re planning to buy an office copier, you’ve probably heard of the term refurbished copiers as a cost-alternative option. Refurbished copiers are used units that are improved and revamped by certified technicians, so they work as good as brand new units. And when I say refurbished, this also means that the copier unit has been inspected, cleaned, re-engineered, and all damaged parts are replaced. These machines all then go under quality tests before being offered to a customer.
Aside from the fact that, refurbished machines also comes with several benefits including the following:
Printer Tips: How to Calculate Total Cost of Ownership
Yesterday, we posted a video article about “5 Tips on Buying Office Printers.” And in one of those tips, we mentioned the importance of knowing the printer’s total cost of ownership.
To start with, the total cost of ownership refers to the purchase price of the asset you brought plus its cost of operation. This is vital if you want to invest in the right office equipment without going over the budget. To give you a short breakdown, here’s a breakdown on how you should calculate a printer’s total cost of ownership.