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General Interest, Printer Supplies -

When computing office costs, it’s more likely that a large percentage of it comes from buying color toner cartridges or ink cartridges for their printer or office copier. Compare to black cartridges, color cartridges are more expensive since the three color cartridges (cyan, yellow, and magenta) make it possible for the machine to print any colors possible.

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Business Tips, General Interest, Office Copiers -

It’s 2019, and everything seems to run in digital. Everywhere you go, files are now stored and transferred through devices or the use of the cloud. But still, why do businesses still buy copiers or workgroup printers for their document workflow?

There are several factors as to why businesses still need office printers or copiers. To further explain this point, we listed three of the main factors as to why entrepreneurs still invest in office copiers and printers for their businesses.

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General Interest, Industry Interest, Product Overview -

The Xerox® AltaLink C8000 Series is one of the latest color multifunction series that was released in 2018. These machines are designed to provide new levels of capability and connectivity perfect for the mid-size and large working environment and offices. From its tablet-like user interface to its mobile-friendly connectivity options, the Xerox® AltaLink is the ideal document solution for the modern workforce.

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Buying Tips, General Interest, Office Copiers -

In one of our articles last week, we discussed leasing and why its a smart move for companies or businesses to consider it when buying their office equipment. Today, we’re going to help answer the most common questions buyers asked about copier leasing.

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Buying Tips, General Interest, Industry Interest, Office Copiers -

If you’re planning to buy an office copier, you’ve probably heard of the term refurbished copiers as a cost-alternative option. Refurbished copiers are used units that are improved and revamped by certified technicians, so they work as good as brand new units. And when I say refurbished, this also means that the copier unit has been inspected, cleaned, re-engineered, and all damaged parts are replaced. These machines all then go under quality tests before being offered to a customer.

Aside from the fact that, refurbished machines also comes with several benefits including the following:

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